A special welcome to the 119 new members now receiving this, courtesy of the San Diego Pride booth! 
Hope to see you here...or sometime soon!

California Men's Gatherings presents . . . 
Pool Party Potluck #1 for Summer 2017 - San Diego

Here's the info for the first pool party.  Hope to see you and new friends you bring!

Date/TIme: Saturday Aug 5, 2017  1pm - 5pm
A few people who could arrive at 12:30 to help set up (and a few others to help with tear down at 5) would be greatly appreciated!
Location: North of Mission Valley area
RSVP: Please RSVP to by clicking over to the event RSVP page
MAX 70 so RSVP to get in! 
Address will be in the confirmation note you get after you RSVP.

Event Cost:

$5 plus your potluck item.


Note:  Beer, wine and other light alcohol drinks will be allowed at this event for those who enjoy responsible drinking,
so ages 21-and-over only at this event. 
Because of the host's public presence, ID will be required for anyone entering the party.

If you are uncomfortable in a setting where some choose to responsibly enjoy alcohol, we hope to see you at one of our alcohol-free events in the future!

CMG-SanDiego Presents........

DESCRIPTION:  Hooray!  Pool Party Season is upon us!  

A lovely yard and a central location -- near SDSU!  Hang by the pool or take a dip and, of course, enjoy the shared goodies.

So take a break from the summer heat and come play in/by a comfy suburban pool with us, making new friends and hanging with old ones.  This is a great opportunity to share CMG with friends who haven't been yet!  All friendly, open, attitude-free men ages 21-99 are welcome!!!


Food:  Bring something to share food-wise and any needed serving utensils.  A few desserts are nice, but when in doubt, we can never have too many entrees and salads, but there CAN be too many desserts.  CMG will provide water and lemonade, ice, plates, plasticware, cups and napkins.  If you want a different beverage, bring it!
Alcohol:  CMG will not be providing any alcohol beverages, but if you'd like to bring lighter alcohol (beer, wine, coolers, etc.) for your own consumption or to share with friends, you are welcome to.  We do ask that no one drink to excess for the comfort of other guests, the concerns of our host, and the safety of the roads afterward.
Accessories:  Be sure to bring your swimsuit, a towel, and sunscreen!  This is not a clothing-optional event nor is there a "privacy area" in the host's home.  Just come for fun and socializing.


Please re-read the info about house rules and parking carefully!
We want to be welcomed back next year!

1)   No glass by the pool. There will be a table where glass items can be placed, but the contents
       must be poured into cups before walking about with them.

2)   Alcohol is limited to beer, wine, and "coolers" (ie:  Mike's Hard Lemonade).  Feel free to enjoy a little drink but
      we're hoping not to have inebriated guests.

3)  This is not a clothing-optional party.  Please have a bathing suit, esp. if you might go in the pool.

4)  Guests are welcome to use the house to change clothing and use bathrooms.

5)  Smoking is not allowed in the yard or the house.  Anyone needing to smoke should go to
      the front of the house and take care not to litter filters.

PARTY QUESTIONS:  Fred is our point of contact for this event (thanks Fred!)  Please RSVP or ask questions of us through the form listed above.  For 'day-of' questions only, call his cell:  (619) 889-3791. 

Please remember, for this and all CMG events, if you lose this email, you can always see all published upcoming San Diego events at www.TheCMG.org/eventsSD  . We get a lot of phone calls for information that's right there on the site.  :-)


Upcoming events to put on your calendar, with details to follow:

Sat Aug 5:        Pool Party

Thu Aug 17:      Monthly bonfire potluck

Thu Aug. 24 :    Movie at UltraStar plus dinner before at SmashBurger (come to either/both!)

Sat  Aug 26:     Backyard BBQ

Sat Sept 8:       Game Night and upcoming event planning meeting

Sat Sept 16:     Pool Party

Sat Sept. 23 :   Movie in Mission Valley plus breakfast beforehand at Ruby’s (come to either/both!)

Sat Oct. 14:      7pm Frée Movie Night:  2016’s “Ghostbusters” at Liberty Station


All CMG events are drug free. This event is NOT, however, alcohol-free so ages 21 and over only!
Sponsored by the CMG San Diego Local Events Committee. All men, local or visiting, are welcome.

To see all events we have going on in the near future, visit the Local Events Page on our site.
CMG-San Diego welcomes additional support for planning and carrying out the events we offer. 
We also very much need additional homes where events could be held. 
You need not join the committee to host or work on an event!
If you can help in either respect, please reply to this note to learn more!
Note:  No one will be turned away for a lack of funds if you cannot pay all or even any of the donation. 
          Learn more about our financial policy and where CMG money goes by linking here.

If CMG is new to you, one of our local events is a great way to find out about the California Men's Gatherings and the many wonderful men who get involved. Since 1978, CMG has been a place where all men -- gay, bi, trans, and straight, from 18-80+ can find a different way to connect. While attendees of CMG events and retreats are predominately gay and bisexual, all men 18 years or older are welcome. Local Events Page